Board Meeting Tips

Board meetings should be highly efficient, engaging and informative. Board members have diverse skills and backgrounds that are integral to the success of your business. Board members are also charged with the company’s finances, reputation, and future plans. It is essential to maintain relationships with them outside of board meetings, through phone calls or private dinners and management meetings.

Ensure board materials are available to all directors well ahead of the meeting. This will allow the board time to read and prepare their discussion. Beware of provoking the board with lengthy proposals or controversial topics that they weren’t prepared for. Additionally do not discuss these issues at the beginning of the meeting because the board is not prepared for the amount of discussion required.

Keep the board on task by establishing a clear agenda with approximate meeting times for each item. This will help the board organize its time and encourage active participation. It is essential to clearly define who is regardless of whether it’s the secretary or a member of the board, to take detailed minutes of the meeting. This will help avoid confusion and headaches in the future.

Some officers like to begin the meeting with a triumphant story to encourage the board. This can be a great method to increase morale and show how the board’s actions have an impact on employees, customers or other stakeholders. Positive results can help you focus your board on the future.